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Quantitative Literacy
Engineering, Math & Physical Sciences Division
CLC - College of Lake County
Course Description
This course develops conceptual understanding in several areas, including: representing and analyzing data through such statistical measures as central tendency, dispersion, normal distribution, and correlation and regression; using logical statements and arguments in a real-world context; estimating, approximating and judging the reasonableness of answers; graphing and using polynomial functions and systems of equations in the interpretation and solution of problems; and selecting and using appropriate approaches and tools in formulating and solving real-world problems.NOTE: A specific graphing calculator is required for this course. Contact EMPS division office for details. This course does not meet the math requirement in the Associate of Science or Associate of Engineering Science, but may be used as elective credits.
Minimum Credit Hours
Maximum Credit Hours
PCS Code
IAI Code
Prerequisites: MTH 105 or MTH 108 or higher level math course (C or better) -or- two years of approved high school algebra (C or better) and Basic Algebra Readiness -or- an appropriate score on the CLC Math Placement Test, Math ACT, or Math SAT.