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Types of Courses

CLC offers a variety of course formats to help you work towards your goals. Take advantage of the ones that work best for you!

In-Person Courses

Keep your degree on track with classes that meet face-to-face, providing you with opportunities to interact in-person with faculty and peers

Online Courses

Have flexibility to complete coursework without scheduled meetings while staying actively engaged in a fully online environment.

The online learning environment is ideal for students who are self-motivated, comfortable working independently and can effectively manage their time to meet instructor deadlines. While online learning has a lot of benefits, it comes with a lot of responsibilities and may not be the best fit for every student. It is important to ask yourself if online learning is right for you. For more information about online readiness tools and resources, visit

CLC cares about your success as an online student and has created resources help you succeed. Become prepared to learn online by understanding the traits of successful online learners and technical requirements for online learning provided in Getting Ready to Learn Online. Students are also highly encouraged to complete the Understanding Online Learning Tutorial before taking an online class to help build a solid foundation for success.

Virtual Live Courses

Learn remotely in real time by taking classes that are taught in a virtual classroom during scheduled times.

Many of the same tips for success in online courses apply to this course format. For more information, refer to the resources provided above.

Blended Courses

Blended courses offer instruction that is taught using a combination of course formats so that students can benefit from the advantages of what each format has to offer.

Below is a list of the types of blended courses available at CLC:

  • In-Person and Online - A blend of in-person meetings and online learning

  • In-Person and Virtual Live - A blend of in-person and remote class meetings during scheduled times

  • Virtual Live and Online - A blend of remote class meetings during scheduled times and online learning

  • In-Person, Virtual Live and Online - A blend of in-person and remote class meetings during scheduled times and online learning

 Please note that not all blended courses are configured the same. For example, some In-Person and Online Blended courses may have mostly online content with a few face-to-face classes, while others meet on-campus weekly and include an online component for the class. Be sure to review all information carefully prior to enrolling to understand the course expectations.

Modular Instruction

Students wishing to improve basic skills in writing can do so by enrolling in a module. These individualized, structured programs of study permit students to work at their own pace. Modules are available at the Grayslake, Lakeshore and Southlake campuses.

course Individualized Topics in Writing and Reading

Contact any tutoring center for more information.

Education Abroad

As a means of promoting international education among its students, CLC offers both short term and long term education abroad programs. These programs provide students an opportunity to enhance their understanding of other cultures, as well as their own, and gain an invaluable global perspective.

 Short term education abroad programs are typically two to three weeks in duration and take place during Spring Intersession (mid to late May) or Winter Intersession (December- January). Destinations vary each year. Programs are led by experienced CLC faculty and provide students the chance to earn 3-6 CLC credits.

Students interested in residing and studying in another country for a longer period of time may participate in a semester abroad program offered through CLC or the Illinois Consortium for International Studies and Programs (ICISP). Students may choose from a program in Kunnming, China; Canterbury, England; Salzburg, Austria; Carlow, Ireland; Seville, Spain; Hyderabad, India; Dijon, France or San Jose, Costa Rica. The curriculum for these programs emphasizes courses in art, foreign language, history, humanities, literature and music.

All courses may be used to fulfill graduation requirements or as electives in transfer degree programs.

Financial aid for qualified persons may be applied toward the cost of education abroad programs at CLC.

For more information about education abroad programs offered at CLC, through ICISP or other study abroad organizations, contact the Department for Global Engagement at (847) 543- 2069 or Voytek Wloch at (847) 543- 2733.

Field Experiences

In addition to providing education in the classroom, lecture hall and laboratory, CLC faculty members also teach courses “in the field.” Faculty lead field study and travel courses for a variety of art, biology, geology, history and humanities courses to locations such as Door County or the Appalachian Trail. See the current class schedule for more information about which field study courses are being offered in a given semester.

Honors Program

The Honors Program is dedicated to providing students with opportunities to enrich their academic and community experiences and to reflect the diversity of the college community as a whole.

Honors work emphasizes independence and critical thinking skills. Students can anticipate challenging types of assignments, research with primary sources, increased group activity and opportunities to take on leadership roles inside and outside of the classroom. The following criteria are used to determine acceptance into the Honors Program:

•  Completion of Honors application form

•  Unofficial high school and/or college transcripts

In addition, students must meet either of the following criteria to be admitted into the Honors Program.

• A high school GPA of 3.5/4.0 or

•  A college GPA of 3.5/4.0 (with a minimum of 12 academic credit hours)

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